Neural Networks and their Applications

Samriddhi Mishra
4 min readMay 22, 2021


Nature is the best engineer and creator. We humans, often copy the principles and structures of natural things in our inventions. Its been ages, since we have been trying to imitate the functioning of the human brain. This can be done by using the neural network structure of the brain composed of neurons, that helps in learning.

Human Brain

What are Neural Networks?

A neural network is a bundle of neurons connected by synapses. Talking about the artificial one, the role of neurons is played by the units that perform calculations. Each of these “neurons”:

  • receives data from the input layer;
  • processes it performing simple calculations with it;
  • and then transmits it to another “neuron”.

Basically, there are three layers in a neural network-

  1. Input layer
  2. Output layer
  3. Hidden layer
Neural Network

How neural networks train?

Neurons in a neural network are mere mathematical models that take input data and adjust the bias and weight in order to get the output with the least loss.
Neural networks can work with raw data, as id does feature selection on its own by finding the relevant features with help of weights.

So, a typical neural network works like this:

  • It receives certain data through the input layer of neurons
  • The data is processed by the neurons and passed to the next layer with the help of synapses each of which has its own coefficient
  • the next layer of neurons receive the information that is the sum of all data for neural networks, which are multiplied by the weight coefficients (each on its own)
  • The resulting value is substituted into the activation function, resulting in the formation of output information
  • Information is passed on until it reaches the final exit.

Use of Neural Networks

Neural networks are widely used in all different fields. Both big companies and startups use this technology. So, let’s look at some examples of neural network applications in different areas. Mostly, in:

  • eCommerce
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Security
  • Logistics


The most frequent example of artificial neural network application in eCommerce is personalizing the purchaser’s experience. For instance, Amazon, AliExpress, and other eCommerce platforms use AI to show the related and recommended products.

Amazon shows recommendations


In this industry, there are neural network applications for fraud detection, management, and forecasting. Let’s look at some samples.

A great example of neural network finance applications is SAS Real-Time Decision Manager. It helps banks to find solutions for business issues (for instance, whether to give credit to a certain person) by analyzing risks and probable profits.

SAS Real Time Decision Manager


For many years it seemed to be a fantasy to use this technology for examining patients and diagnosing them. But finally, it has become possible.

IBM Watson is the most powerful artificial intelligence in the world.

IBM Watson


Neural networks are widely used for protection from computer viruses, fraud, etc. One of the examples is ICSP Neural from Symantec. It protects from cyber attacks by determining the bad USB devices containing viruses and exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities.

Shape security


This industry needs a lot of management that is to be done manually by employees of many companies. One solution is FourKites. This is a visibility program that works in a real-time mode. It helps to plan and monitor routes and predict the time of delivery.

The interface of FourKites on laptop and mobile phone

Vehicle building

AI and ML are used in this industry to automate processes. For example, Tesla uses a neural network for the autopilot system in the vehicles. With the help of trained artificial intelligence, it recognizes the road markings, detects obstacles, and makes the road safer for the driver.

Self-Driving Cars

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